The International Symposium “The Impact of the Genome Science for the Future Medicine”「ゲノム科学の明日の医学へのインパクト」





【The Impact of the Genome Science for the Future Medicine】※使用言語:英語

10:00〜10:10 Opening Remarks
Shoji Tsuji(The University of Tokyo, Japan)
1. Dissection of Complex Diseases by Genome Science(座長:井ノ上逸朗)
10:10〜10:50 Genetic Factors in QT-prolongation and Sudden Cardiac Death
Aravinda Chakravarti(Johns Hopkins University, USA)
10:50〜11:30 Common Human Disorders in the Utah Population Data Base and the Utah Genetic Reference Project
Mark Leppert(Eccles Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Utah, USA)
11:30〜12:10 To be announced
Kari Stefansson(deCODE, Iceland)
12:10〜13:10 休憩
2. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) of Human Genome Researches(座長:加藤和人)
13:10〜13:50 Integrating Science and Ethics:The ELSI Program at the
National Human Genome Research Institute, U.S. National Institutes of Health

Jean E. McEwen(National Human Genome Research Institute, USA)
13:50〜14:30 International and National Regulation: HUGO and the UK
Ruth Chadwick(Lancaster University, UK)
14:30〜15:10 Approaches to the regulation of biomedical and genomic research in Singapore
Terry Kaan(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
15:10〜15:30 休憩
15:30〜15:50 Genome Research and Communication with Society
Kazuto Kato(Kyoto University, Japan)
15:50〜16:10 Research supporting committee for genome science in Japan
Akira Hata(Chiba University, Japan)
16:10〜16:30 Preparation for the Genomics Era : International Comparison
Yoshimitsu Fukushima(Shinshu University, Japan)
16:30〜17:10 Panel Discussion "Genome Science and Society: What Can We Learn from International Comparison?"
Speakers of ELSI session, Shoji Tsuji


3. Dissection of Complex Diseases by Genome ScienceU(座長:辻 省次)
10:00〜10:40 Expression Genomics and Cancer Biology: Systems Pharmacology
Edison Liu(Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore)
10:40〜11:20 Enabling Drug Target Discovery and Development with DNA Microarrays
Alan Sachs(Merck Research Laboratories, USA)
11:20〜12:00 Genetics of Variation in Human Gene Expression
Vivian Cheung(University of Pennsylvania, USA)
12:00〜13:00 休憩
13:00〜13:40 Loss of Imprinting of lgf is an Epigenetic Modifier of Tumor Risk
Atsushi KandaAndrew P. Feiberg(Johns Hopkins University, USA)
13:40〜14:20 Epigenetics in the pathogenesis of age-related diseases
Jean-Pierre Issa(The University of Texas, USA)
14:20〜14:40 休憩
14:40〜15:20 Role and Regulation of DNA methylation in development and disease
Heinrich Leonhaldt(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen Biozentrum, Germany)
15:20〜16:00 Functions, Mechanisms of Action, and Regulation of Histone Deacetylases
Edward Seto(University of South Florida, USA)


Closing Remarks
Sumio Sugano(The University of Tokyo, Japan)


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